All employees (regardless of position or job title) and all adult volunteers who will have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk are required by the Green Bay Diocese to be trained in the Virtus program:
1. Complete an online application in which:
You provide the Diocese with professional and personal references
You complete, sign and date the appropriate declaration form
You authorize a criminal background check and receive a satisfactory report
To complete the online application, go to:
Roll over "Protecting Our Children"
Click on "Background Checks"
Click on "eAppsDB" link
Use access code "gbdioc04" where requested
2. Register and attend the VIRTUS Protecting God's Children Adult Awareness Training.
To register for this training, go to:
Roll over "Protecting Our Children"
Click on "VIRTUS"
Click on "VIRTUS online"
Several sessions are offered throughout the Diocese at various dates and times.
3. Sign the Agreement Form in which you agree to follow and adhere to Our Promise to Protect (employees) or the Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct for Volunteers (volunteers).
NOTE: The online application should be completed before attending a VIRTUS session.
For more information, or to ask questions, contact George or Dawn Jacobsen at (920) 242-2436.
Virtus Training Sessions
For a list of VIRTUS Training Sessions in our area, click here.
For more information on the VIRTUS Program, contact the parish office.
Click on the link below which includes detailed instructions for adult volunteer applicants: